Affiliated entities are obliged to pay the premium for AFP in the private sector, as stipulated by the pension scheme's statutes. AFP premium is defined as a percentage of employee earnings. As of 2024, employers are invoiced for 2.7% of an employee’s gross annual earnings from 1 to 7.1 times the National Insurance scheme basic amount (Grunnbeløp). Consequently, earnings below 1 Basic Amount do not accrue AFP premiums. For more details on the Basic Amount, please visit the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration’s website.
Any adjustments to the premium rate are determined by the scheme’s governing board, which consists of representatives for the parties of the pension scheme.
AFP premium is calculated based on the earnings of each employee from the year they turn 13 until the year they turn 61. Included in the total earnings are:
- Salary or wages
- Bonuses and commissions
- Overtime and similar payments
- Holiday pay
A comprehensive list of compensations included in the calculation is available under "Vedlegg 7: Oversikt over lønnsutgifter som skal inngå i premieberegningen".
Fellesordningen receives information about employees’ earnings and employment status from the Norwegian Tax Administration and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, respectively. Employers are responsible for providing accurate and updated information to these authorities. Should there be any discrepancies in the information provided, employers are required to report these inaccuracies to Fellesordningen to adjust the premium calculation accordingly.
Employers affiliated with the scheme will receive quarterly invoices, with the following due dates:
Q1: May 31
Q2: August 31
Q3: November 30
Q4: February 28 (of the following year)
Invoices are issued approximately one month prior to the due date. Employers can access copies of invoices and invoice specifications through our Company Portal (Bedriftsportalen).
In the event of discrepancies between the information in English and Norwegian, the latter will always take precedence.
Information in English
General information in English regarding contractual pension (AFP) in the private sector can be found here.