Contractual pension in the private sector (AFP)
AFP is a collectively agreed pension scheme in the private sector. The scheme provides a lifelong supplement to the retirement pension from the National Insurance Scheme (alderspensjon fra folketrygden). To be eligible, you must be at least 62 years old and fulfill the requirements laid down by the statutes. You can receive AFP while you continue to work.
In order for employees to be covered by the AFP-scheme, their company must be party to a collective agreement to which the AFP-scheme is an appendix. If an agreement of this nature has been established, as a general rule, all employees will be covered by the AFP-scheme.
The AFP-scheme is financed by both the affiliated companies and the Norwegian government. Rules and requirements regarding pension rights and for the financing of the scheme are laid down by the AFP-statutes. Be aware that the statutes and regulations pertaining to the AFP-scheme are subject to change, and the statutes and regulations at the time of application determine whether the applicant fulfills the criteria or not.
In the event of disputes regarding interpretation of the statutes, the Norwegian text will take precedence.
More information in English
Contact details
+47 22 98 98 00
For applicants
If you have questions regarding your application or entitlements, please contact us at
For companies
For inquiries regarding affiliation, invoicing, or other related matters, please contact us at